Acupuncture is NOT a stand alone treatment for substance addiction. When combined with other recovery strategies (psychotherapy, 12-step programs, group counseling, etc.), it can enhance the healing and recovery of the patient. Acupuncture for Addiction recovery is done primarily with Auricular Acupuncture (meaning the needles are inserted into the ears). Some points along the arms and legs are added to help reduce stress and anxiety.
Auricular Acupuncture helps to:
Reduce cravings.
Ease withdrawal symptoms and pain.
Regulate sleep and emotions.
Decrease anxiety and stress.
Acupuncture affects the dopaminergic system in the brain to help decrease positive reinforcement of addiction, and help reduce drug use.
During recovery, Acupuncture inhibits GABA neurons to decrease withdrawal and stimulates dopamine to improve mood, further alleviating withdrawal symptoms.
Five specific points are used in Auricular Acupuncture for Addiction Recovery:
Kidney Point: repairs function and ease fear.
Liver Point: removes toxins from the liver and blood, curbs aggression.
Lung Point improves lung function, alleviates feelings of grief.
Shen Men: decreases anxiety.
Sympathetic Point: promotes relaxation, soothes the nervous system.